Monday, May 29, 2006

Gili Trawangan: Sharks and sea snakes.

So, first of all, I'm ok! I am quite far from Yogyakarta, where the massive earthquake happened yesterday. Currently I'm on Gili Trawangan, a small island off the northwest coast of Lombok, Indonesia. It's a very relaxed place with very little in the way of internet connection, and no wifi connections (and hence no picture updates for a while).

Here on Gili T, I've been taking my PADI Open Water certification. No better place I can think of. The dives have been amazing - I have my final certification dive this afternoon. I'm even considering taking my Advanced Open Water cert here as well (budget permitting, of course).

Unfortunately, I've really fallen behind in writing up the trip! Since my class is over today, I may have some time in the next couple of days to write up posts on my computer and then transfer them (via thumbdrive) to the site. Hopefully.

Hope you are all well, sorry about the long time between posts and the lack of pictures! I will attempt to rectify asap.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Glad to hear you were nowhere near the earthquake... Open Water Certification??? I'm not jealous... not.... really... *pout*