Thursday, May 18, 2006

Singapore: Merlions and Tigers and Bears

Originally uploaded by Gaz Errant.
Oh my.

Thursday in Singapore - a walk around the waterfront, includng Merlion Park (pictured). This fish/lion hybrid looks out over the water, just south of the giant Esplanade theater complex.

After walking around for a few hours and picking up my plane tickets for the next leg of the trip, I headed to the Singapore Zoo. It's an excellent zoo, with several areas where you are walking right with the animals (most notably a couple of marmosets who were hanging out 5 inches above me). Had some Thai curry for lunch, watched a show, and headed back to the city, where I proceeded to buy a phone. Exciting.

Spent the evening talking to a few people in the hostel, then turned in relatively early - still not completely adjusted to the time difference.

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