Monday, January 30, 2006

100 Days and Counting! (aka A Bit of Deja Vu)

Well, it's 100 days away. Again. And right now I'm having some more Delta issues. Hopefully I won't have to put up a "100 Days and Counting - Part III" post...

I still haven't gotten on ANY of the things I need to get done. Mostly because I've been focusing on my trip to Disneyworld this weekend. Oh, and I figured out at least one more thing I have to put on the list: Insurance! I need to get travel insurance for my body and my gear. I've been doing some research on this already, but it's another cost to put on the "buy before leaving" list.

But at least I've already done my taxes. Soon I'll have that extra refund money socked away with the rest of the trip funds. Things are looking up financially - I definitely think I'll be able to put away enough for the trip and for my cushion to return to without putting myself seriously in debt.

Ok, I think I'm going to call my doctor right now to schedule a complete physical and the vaccinations.

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