Friday, January 20, 2006

We've moved into May now...

Ok, a tiny setback has happened, causing me to push the initial flight by 10 days. The Delta Skymiles that I expected in my account by today have not posted yet, and as such I was unable to book the April 28 flight (the deadline was today). So, now I'll be flying out on May 10.

The good news is that I have booked my layover in Seoul. I'll be in Seoul until June 12. Well, actually, I'll be in Korea and Japan until June 12. I plan to take my week of Japan before I hit NZ (it's much easier to plan the RTW ticket that way). June 12 I fly from Seoul to Auckland. Then, perhaps a bit of snowboarding, and off to Australia.

At least this gives me 10 more days to get all my preparations taken care of.

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